Cancer Secrets

Saturday 4 June 2011

Do Celebrities Hurt The Vegan Cause?

gaga-meat-suit.jpgWe all know the drill. Some celebrity watches a video of animals being mistreated on farms.

This produces an emotional response and a vow to never eat meat again, but because they are famous, this proclamation is usually made from some national talk show. They appeal to their adoring fans to join in the cause.

What happens when the celebrity falls off the vegan wagon?

Ginnifer Goodwin from the popular show Big Love recently told Jimmy Kimmel that she had to give up being vegan for "health reasons". She stressed that she was still against the poor treatment of farm animals, but loves free range eggs and only has burgers in restaurants.

Last year we mentioned that Angelina Jolie gave up a vegan diet because she said it almost killed her and this caused quite a heated debate about what it really means to be vegan. Also, who could forget Gaga's meat dress? (although it wasn't really about veganism)

I wonder if having celebrities endorse anything is a good idea, as we have seen time and again celebrities fall from grace and take their endorsements down with them. After all, celebrities are just people and many have personality types that would lean towards being a tad flaky. Does being in a movie or a TV show really make someone so special that they get to tell everyone else what to buy or what cause to believe in?

I imagine the veganist movement isn't very happy with Goodwin's latest about-face, declaring that veganism wasn't healthy for her. I would imagine that after watching that interview there were a few vegans that made a late night run for Taco Bell.

So what do you think about celebrities endorsing things like vegan diets? Should celebrities just shut up about their diets and instead just focus on promoting their work?

View the original article here

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