Cancer Secrets

Thursday 9 June 2011

Your Boss May Hate You If You're Fat

handshake.jpgWhat if you were looking for a job and another candidate snagged the job because she was thinner than you?

Or, what if your thinner coworker was paid more than you? This is a disturbing thought.

Studies in the past have shown evidence of weight discrimination in the workplace for women, but these studies were done in the United States where gender discrimination is more prevalent. Luckily, a new study from the University of Iceland was recently published showing a strong correlation between overweight and a decreased employment rate, especially for women.

Iceland is the perfect place to perform this type of study because there is a low rate of gender inequality. For example, Iceland elected the first woman president. So, the results are disappointing that there is still bias against overweight women in the workforce.

The study also researched men in the workforce and their weight. There was a positive relationship for overweight men--they held more jobs and were paid slightly more. And we are not talking a difference of a small chunk of change. Various studies have shown thousands of dollars difference in salary even if you are 25 pounds overweight (University of Florida, US study).

So, what are we to do about this weight and gender bias?

It seems that even in those countries with little to no gender inequality, there is still fat discrimination. Perhaps it is a subconscious discrimination on the employer's part, but that still doesn't justify it.

Do countries need to have laws against weight discrimination?

View the original article here

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